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We have MOVED! Yes, you read that right! We have moved our family farm to Columbia City, IN to give our doggies more room to run and play! Yarnelle Fur-Babies is a small breeding program ran by our very close knit family of 16 (and growing). We specialize in livestock breeding, training, and sales. Yarnelle Farms Equine, LLC has been in business for over 35 years ( Not only do we specialize in raising equine, but our fur-babies are our pride and joy, as we absolutely love raising French Bulldogs, Standard Poodles, and Doodles. All of our fur-babies are very well socialized around other animals and people of all ages, including children, on our 10 acre family farm located in Columbia City, IN. Contact us today to add one of our fur-babies to your family. ️
John & Kathy Yarnelle (260)410-7925
Dakoda & Brooke Labenz (260)443-9035
Travis & Hannah Mullendore (260)410-4149
Hunter & Sarah Nicodemus (260)494-0405
Luke Yarnelle (260)213-1685

Puppy Application
Above is our puppy application!
We require this to be filled out before bringing your puppy home! This small amount of information allows us to get to know you and your family a little better. We look forward to adding you to our tribe!
Please email your completed application to:
If you have any questions please text/call
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