Commonly Asked Questions:
Are these puppies well socialized?
Our puppies are incredibly well socialized as they grow. They are family raised around children ranging from the ages newborn to 16. They are loved and cuddled every single day, and are provided with the utmost care. These puppies are not only socialized well with children, but also with other dogs and cats. We strive for our puppies to be as friendly as possible, and mingle with anyone and everyone that they may come into contact with. Our puppies are handled only by us for the first 6 weeks of their lives to avoid any exposure to communicable diseases. We allow in-person puppy visits/puppy picks once puppies reach 6 weeks of age.
What type of food are these puppies on?
As many of you know, there are multiple different opinions on what type of food should be fed for growing puppies. We have tried several different brands of food for our puppies, and have had the best outcome with Purina Puppy Chow Tender and Crunchy. The tender pieces in the food allow the puppies to begin eating hard food at 3-4 weeks of age. This promotes a healthy start to growing! When your puppy comes home at 8 weeks old, we will provide a zip-lock bag of food for their first couple of days in their new home. We recommend that you continue the same food for about 1-2 weeks before slowly mixing in their new food (if you choose to change it), with Purina Puppy Chow Tender and Crunchy for 7-10 days. This allows the puppy's stomach to acclimate to the new food and help prevent any upset it could potentiate.
Why does my puppy have diarrhea?
We take serious precautions and maintain a strict schedule of vaccines and de-wormer, to prevent any common communicable diseases. When a puppy goes home at 8 weeks, it is crucial to understand the many stressors that a puppy will face. They are used to being with their siblings and mom 24/7. We do try to limit the amount of time spent with their mom once they reach 7 weeks of age, in order to prevent separation anxiety at 8 weeks. When the puppy is taken away from their mom and siblings, they become stressed, which can cause multiple different symptoms. These symptoms include, but are not limited to: acting shy, timid, having no appetite, crying, unsure of their surroundings, diarrhea, vomiting, & barking/howling, pacing, chewing, digging, etc. It is also very important to understand that EVERY dog needs dewormed *MONTHLY* and that the deworming that we provide every 2 weeks prior to coming home will not be the last time your puppy is dewormed. Majority of veterinarians will recommend that you give your dog a tablet, monthly, that contains dewormer/flea/tick/heart worm prevention. It is VERY NORMAL for dogs to carry worms/pickup worms throughout their lives resulting in the necessary deworming MONTHLY. After they have received a dose of dewormer do not be alarmed at the following common symptoms: upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, and even worms in their feces.
What measures can I take to prevent these symptoms of stress?
Lots of cuddles, love, and play will provide comfort for your new puppy. If your puppy does have some diarrhea, mix white rice or pure pumpkin with their food to bulk up their stool.
Why can't my puppy come home earlier than 8 weeks?
It is important to understand that during a puppies first few weeks of life, they are taught mannerisms from their mom and siblings. This time is crucial to be spent with their siblings and mom to avoid any behavioral problems. It is also Indiana's state law that a puppy is kept with their mom and siblings until 8 weeks of age. Although sometimes it may convenient to pick your puppy up earlier than the 8 week mark, we are unfortunately unable to accommodate a puppy pick up earlier than 8 weeks of age. We are very flexible and will work with you on pick up date/time once your puppy reaches 8 weeks.
Have they been crate trained/potty trained?
A puppies bladder is not fully developed until around 4-6 months of age. With that being said, they may need to go potty roughly every 1-3 hours. We recommend that you allow for your puppy to potty every couple of hours when they are first brought home. This will potentially prevent the number of accidents in the home. We do provide our puppies with corn shavings in a separate area in their pen at 3 weeks of age. This introduces the idea of going potty away from where they eat/sleep/play at an early age to make the potty training process easier. We have received multiple compliments from previous families with how well our puppies pick up on potty training. It is crucial that you understand they will not come home fully potty trained. We have had multiple customers potty train with the "bell method" who have been very successful. This can be further explained via YouTube videos or a simple Google search. We do not crate train our puppies, as we want them to spend as much time with their mom and siblings for the best behavioral outcome. We do recommend that you begin crate training first. This has been the most successful start to potty training in our experience. Be sure to not give them too much space in their crate. We recommend that you purchase a crate that will be large enough for them at their estimated full grown weight and use a divider to make the space smaller as a puppy, and gradually give a bigger space as they grow. If you give your puppy too much space in their crate they WILL potty in it. It is important that they only have room to lay down and turn around.
What to expect the first day/night?
It is important to know that your puppy will be very stressed from traveling, changing to a new environment, and leaving not only mom/siblings, but also what they have known so far as "home." It is important to provide them with as much comfort as possible. Lots of cuddles and love! We recommend that you hold your puppy during the travel home to provide comfort and to begin the bonding process with your puppy. Your puppy will most likely whimper or become restless on your lap notifying they need to potty on your travel home. Your puppy will most likely cry in their crate at bedtime. We recommend a "snuggle puppy" with a heartbeat that your puppy can use to cuddle at bedtime. These can be found at Meijer, Amazon, and most pet stores. We have also had great success with a portable lullaby machine to play different white noise for their comfort. It is also important to cover your puppies crate with a blanket or crate cover so that he/she cannot see out at bedtime. This provides a dark and quiet space for them to sleep, and can help limit barking and crying. If you would like to line the inside of the puppy's crate with something at bedtime, it is best to use a towel or blanket that can easily be washed as they may have accidents while they are transitioning.
Are these puppies Microchipped?
Our puppies are not microchipped. We have refrained from making this decision for you, as some families do not like their puppies to be microchipped. Most vets can complete this at your puppies first vet visit (within 7 business days of coming home) if you choose.
What comes home with my puppy?
Your puppy will come home with a "goody bag" of toys, food, blanket (with mom and siblings scent), puppy health chart (vaccines/dewormer record), and a signed copy of the health guarantee. We ask that you have read through our health guarantee and are ready to sign it at pickup. If your puppy is being transported, you will be required to sign the health guarantee and email a copy to yarnellefurbabies@gmail.com before your puppy departs. These items will come with your puppy via ground or flight nanny transportation.
What kind of schedule has my puppy been on?
Puppies are a lot like an infant baby, and it is not abnormal for them to sleep 18-20 hours a day. They require a lot of time to sleep, play, eat, potty, and of course, cuddles! They are used to getting out to play during the day for about 2-3 hours with their siblings. Regarding your puppy's FEEDING SCHEDULE, they are free fed, meaning they are used to having a full bowl of food accessible to eat as they please. Each puppy may require a different amount of food depending on their estimated full grown weight, activity level, etc. The recommended amount of food per day is labeled on the back of Purina Puppy Chow Tender and Crunchy and can also be accessed on their website at the following link:
Has my puppy been on any flea/tick prevention?
Your puppy has not been started on any flea/tick medication as many cannot be started until the puppies reach a certain age due to possible side effects. There controversial feelings on different flea/tick medications and we want you to feel comfortable regarding your puppy's medications. With that being said, please review this topic with your veterinarian and start them on your vet's recommended brand at the recommended age. Your puppy will have been dewormed with Pyrantel every 2 weeks from birth and vaccinated at 6 weeks of age before joining their new family.
What toys/treats does my puppy like?
We introduce toys slowly as our puppies grow to get them acclimated to different types of squeakers, bones, balls, etc. We recommend RAWHIDE FREE bones and toys. Your puppy will come home with their favorite toy at 8 weeks. We do recommend using training treats sparingly, as this can cause tummy upset in your new puppy.
What shampoo and brushes are best to use?
We use a "Wet Brush" for our puppies, sires, and dams. These can be found at most grocery stores and Amazon. They are great for in between grooming and after baths. We also use a slicker brush and furminator from amazon. We use Baby Magic shampoo, natures specialty, or children's shampoo that is tear free to bathe our pups. This seems to be the most gentle on their skin and fur while keeping the sting out of their eyes.
How often should my puppy be groomed?
Depending on the type of puppy you are getting determines how often you should have them groomed. Many times, the individual puppy will have their own "schedule" for grooming as they each have their own individualized coat. A standard poodle will require the most frequent routine grooming. They need groomed about every 3 months. Goldendoodles, Bernedoodles, Saint berdoodles, and Aussiedoodles will also need groomed routinely every 3-6 months (depending on their individual coat and generation). The puppies individual coat and generation (F1, F1b, F1bb) will determine how often grooming is necessary. The more poodle they have in their genetic makeup, the more often they will need groomed. Typically F1 doodles require the least amount of maintenance (although there are exceptions for those that take more of the poodle coat), F1b doodles stand at the "middle ground," and F1bb doodles require more maintenance (almost if not as much as a poodle). It is incredibly hard to determine the exact grooming routine for each puppy as their coat continues to change for the first few months of their life. Your puppy will most likely go through "stages" of different coat texture, shedding amount, etc. Your puppy will shed their "puppy coat" in order to reach their adult coat. It is important to do further research on different doodles grooming needs before bringing your new fur-baby home. This will allow for greater awareness of the maintenance they require,
How will I know if my puppy will shed?
The fantastic part of doodles and poodles is their amazing temperaments. They are known as incredible family dogs! The next best thing (that we just cannot deny), is what is known as their "hypoallergenic feature." It is important to understand that every puppy/dog sheds. The amount of shedding is what varies from dog to dog. Poodles have a single coat rather than a double coat, which keeps them from "blowing" their coat during season changes. What hair a poodle does shed most times is caught in their curly coat - hints the need for routine grooming. Often times we like to describe the amount of shedding a poodle generates to be comparable to the amount that the average human sheds. Most times this is so minimal that it is almost impossible to notice. With doodles, every dog has their own unique "coat" and the shedding amount may differ. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee there will be no shedding with any of our puppies, but we can most definitely lead you in the right direction for what you and your family are looking for. Almost all doodles have very minimal amounts of shedding to where it is not even noticed (such as a poodle). The saying "the curlier their coat, the less shedding" is typically true. Most times, families with mild allergies do great with first generation doodles (F1). This cross is the amazing 50/50, where you get the best of both worlds. This cross has an increased chance for the puppy to trait more of one parent than the other, which can lead to varying amounts of shedding. We are typically able to identify if a puppy's coat is leaning more toward one breed than the other at about 4 weeks of age. We cannot guarantee this, but will most definitely give you our expert opinion. For families with more moderate allergies, F1b or F1bb is a better generation of doodle for you. These puppies will have extremely minimal amounts of shedding. Don't forget, if your allergies are quite intense, the standard poodle may also be a great option for you!
Are these puppies AKC/CKC registered?
It is important to understand that only purebred puppies can be registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC). Many of the designer breeds have their own registration clubs which can be found through a simple google search. Goldendoodles can be registered through the Continental Kennel Club (CKC). If you would like to register your Goldendoodle through CKC, you will not need any information from the sire or dam in order to register your puppy. When your puppy reaches 6 months of age, complete the CKC registration application on their website. If our puppies are registered, they will be advertised as so.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us today!
We are available via text, call, or email!
Brooke Labenz
John Yarnelle